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One-Week Stand #253 - Hubris Part 1One-Week Stand #253 - Hubris Part 1

One-Week Stand is a sort of a micro-podcast initiated by Laurent Orseau, Thibaut Geib, David Mennessier, Alex Gwinnett and Gaëtan Seguin: every week, David, Gaëtan, Alex, Thibaut and Laurent choose five songs and invite a friend to pick a sixth one. This week, Alexander Tucker.

- Oren Ambarchi "Hubris Part 1"
by our guest Alexander Tucker
- Haruomi Hosono & Tadanori Yokoo "Madam Consul General of Madras"
by David
- Tortoise "Shake Hands With Danger"
by Thibaut
- Jeph Jerman / Tim Barnes "Bight"
by Nathalie
- Mike Cooper "Surf Rise At Ko'Olau"
by Laurent
- Lindstrøm "Where You Go I Go Too"
by Alex

photo by Christy Romanick
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