The Tami Show
"House Of Earth"
Tami Means and her Tami Show (
hinahgift013 and
hinahgift018) are back again on hinah with a beautiful gift: this time it is a cover of a song by Lucinda Williams and Woody Guthrie, "House Of Earth"!

House Of Earth (performed by The Tami Show)
Lyrics by Woody Guthrie
Music by Lucinda Williams
Electric lead and slide guitar by Craig Means of Vida Ray
Acoustic lead, rhythm guitar, backup vocals by Todd Gleason
Vocals, rhythm guitar, everything else by Tamara Means
Arranged, mixed and engineered by Tamara Means
Motel Fleurs du Mal
Oneiric invitation - the song/dream transforms,
reshapes earth/bones/word into warm lips and flesh -
solace from skeletal terrors - a beckoning towards release
now corpus becomes dream again.
Sweat-soaked pillow, bruised thighs; a fading sepia come-on.
The song is the room and moment and memory,
the body and the ashes - the ghost of that indecipherable smile.
Smeared lipstick static from a broken antennaed wire hanger TV.
Revlon tube cathode tube synthetic daisies;
a bottle and some bills on the night stand.
Star-spangled banner then the hum of darkness we're alone.
Hush and roar, the art of smoke-stained flower arrangement.
Tony Watts 8/21/16 USA