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hinahsingle004 - Andrew Sweeny / Everything Is Fine

hinahsingle004 - Andrew Sweeny / Everything Is Fine

Everything is Fine is the project of Marc Manning from Portland, Oregon (yes indeed, home of many musicians we love around here). His music is rooted in folk music, but also probably in years of listening to noisy guitar bands like Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine. Andrew Sweeny is a Canadian who's lived in Paris for a while. Last year, he met an acquaintance of ours, Burzinski, at a gig of Barzin, and since then they've worked together on Andrew's folk songs (they've just finished an album named "Monotone"). For this split single, each songwriter added his own touch (vocals and mix) to a song offered by his fellow musician.

hinahsingle004 - a - Andrew Sweeny / Everything Is Finehinahsingle004 - b - Everything Is Fine / Andrew Sweeny

a - Andrew Sweeny vs Everything Is Fine
Andrew Sweeny: composition, lyrics, acoustic guitar, and vocals
Marc Manning: arrangements, mix, and artwork

b - Everything Is Fine vs Andrew Sweeny
"In The Black"
Marc Manning: composition, lyrics, acoustic guitar, and vocals
Andrew Sweeny: backing vocals
Burzinski: piano, percussion, mellotron, and mix
Lanimée: artwork
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